How to Choose A Doula in Asheville, NC

Doula Vibe Check!

When possible, it’s important that you feel a genuine connection with your doula. Your birth doula will be spending many hours with you/you and your partner(s) in an intimate space. It’s recommended you interview approximately 3 doulas in order to be able to confidently choose one who fits you and your lifestyle the best! Although if you interview 1-2 and you’re sold…follow your instincts!

Questions to Ask While Interviewing a Potential Doula:

  1. Ask about the doula's journey to birth work. What brought them to this field? What do they love about it? What aspects do they find most challenging? What variety of birth experiences have they supported?

  2. Ask how the logistics of hiring them work. How many times will you meet during pregnancy? When does their 24/7 on-call period begin and end? How does labor support work? What does their support package include? Do they have package options? How does payment work? Lots of questions here! 

  3. Ask about their approach to working with their clients during birth, including how they support partner(s) (if applicable).

  4. Ask about their approach to working with care providers during birth.

  5. Ask how they help their clients navigate informed consent.

  6. Ask what advocacy means to them. Does the doula view themself as an advocate? If not, why not?

  7. Ask about their approach to supporting parents through something unexpected during birth. What have they found to be the most helpful support for parents when plans change? How do they help their clients through complicated decisions that may arise in labor?

  8. Ask what they wish all expecting parents knew before birth. This is a very revealing question that can help you learn more about a doula’s values and biases. Plus, you might learn something new you didn’t know before!

  9. Ask about their back-up arrangements. If they were unable to attend your birth for any reason, what does working with their back-up doula look like?

  10. Ask about their education and training as well as how often they participate in continuing education opportunities.

  11. Make sure to ask if they are available for your due date and that they serve your chosen birth place!

    ***Above questions sourced from Riverbend Birth’s Blog Post, The Best Questions to Ask When You Interview a Doula. A phenomenal resource, and a deeper dive into this topic, worth the read! :)

Questions to Ask Yourself While Interviewing a Doula:

1. Do I feel comfortable around this person?

2. Do I feel like my desires will be respected and uplifted with this person?

3. Do they seem knowledgeable and excited about the birth experience?

4. Lean into your body after the interview, what does your gut tell you? If you feel excited about the prospect of working with them and being in their company, awesome! Or do you feel like you are wanting something more or that their energy doesn’t quite mesh with yours? Feel free to keep interviewing! At the end of the day, doulas are just happy you are seeking doula care! We want you to find the best doula for you! :)

Experience Isn’t Everything!

Back to the vibe checks. It’s a good idea to think about what some of your must-haves are ahead of time. Highly experienced doulas have a lot to offer, but so do new doulas! As a newer doula myself, I can tell you from experience, the energy and excitement I have towards learning everything I can about birth, and making sure my clients feel fully supported- is palpable! Think about it like looking for a living space- what’s on your must-have list, what’s on your flex-list, then head into the interview, and go with your gut!

Okay, I’m pumped & I’m ready to explore my options…

How to Find a Doula in Asheville, NC:

-Social Media (can search using hashtags, like #ashevilledoula)

-Google Search (your town + doula, like “Asheville doula”) or go to Google Maps and search “doula near me”.

-Word of Mouth! Ask around your community, in Facebook groups, your alternative care providers may have referrals (acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists, yoga teachers, energy healers, etc), you may also be surprised to know your friends could know a doula as well!

-Certifying agencies. There are several certifying bodies for doulas. You can search their databases to find a certified doula near you. However, certifications are not necessary to practice as a doula, and some doulas choose not to become certified for specific reasons. If this is important to you, feel free to ask about their stance on certification or if they are certified during the interview. Yep! There’s a service to search by doulas in your area and if they are available for your due date!

At the end of the day, a potential doula interview should feel like a conversation over coffee or tea with an old friend. One of those- you haven’t seen them in awhile but you pick up right where you left off kind of relationships. It doesn’t have to be a big Q&A session, and really should flow more like a conversation! You may be interviewing the doula, but they are interviewing you too! If you realize while getting to know each other, some of your big questions weren’t answered, you can always text, call, or email them with it afterwards. However, if you lost yourself in conversation…that’s a good sign! :)


When To Hire A Doula in Asheville, NC


How Much Does a Doula Cost in Asheville, NC?